December 2, 2008

Prayer Request

Darin and I have had the opportunity to meet some wonderful people during our time spent at Children's Hospital. We have met two families who have sons that are both going through the same ordeal as Benjamin.

Elijah is one boy who's heart problems are almost exactly the same as Benjamin's. He had his surgery today. We had a chance to talk to them today and they said that it went well and they were able to do everything they wanted.

The second boy is Lincoln. His heart problems are different, but his heart stops beating and they have to shake him to get it to start again. Very scary. Unlike us, they were completely caught by surprise with Lincoln's heart defect. They found out after he was born so everything has been much more stressful for them.

Please keep these two boys and their families in your prayers. Darin and I know what they are going through and we just pray that they find some peace and assurance. We have been praying for them since we met them. Perhaps you could send a prayer up for them too!

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