December 2, 2008

They closed him!

We are happy to report that they closed his chest today! He looks so great and he is holding strong. He's peeing a lot now which is great! They had to give him medicine for that a couple days ago because he wasn't peeing enough but now he's peeing so much they have to give him potassium supplements. The nurse said that it's great though. They left his chest drainage tubes in because the doctor saw a little more drainage than he would like but not a lot. Hopefully his main tube will come out in a couple days. His swelling is definitely down as well and now he's just hanging out.

Yesterday they had to up his sedation meds because he was having times when his heart rate would jump up really high and they associated it with pain. They thought perhaps he was feeling some pain so they increased it. He still gets them every once in a while but they're hoping with more meds it'll go away. They'll eventually start weening him off of the sedation stuff and just keep him on pain meds so that he can start becoming alert again.

We're just really excited that we've reached this point because now it feels like we are finally going to start focusing on his recovery and getting him home! We can't wait. We will keep you all posted as he progresses!!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Elisia,

    Txs for the update. We will continue to remember Benjamin and you all in our prayers. We hope to get to see him soon. Pls let us know when that is permitted so we can arrange a trip to see him.

    Uncle Mike


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