December 3, 2008

Another day

Benny looked really good today. They took out the main drainage tube from his chest so now he just has his little side tubes. They are weaning him off the ventilator and hopefully tomorrow he will be off of it completely. Today he went from 14 to 12 (that means that the machine makes 12 breaths per minute for him and he does the rest on his own). He's doing very well with it. He's down from 6 medicines to 2 medicines. They are giving him morphine as needed but he's been doing really well.

I just thought I'd share some pictures from today. Each day he looks a little different...a little stronger! He was awake for quite a bit tonight so we got to spend time with him. We noticed that he responds when we talk to him and touch him...he loves his mommy and daddy!

1 comment:

  1. Benny looks so great! What a wonderful baby boy to hang in there so well throughout all this. And the same to you, Elisia and Darin! You guys are awesome. You are in our prayers, as always.


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