I realized this morning that I'm really bad at doing this...I should try to be better. I'm going to try, but I make no promises! :)
We've been in Texas for about a month and a half now and we definitely think we made a good decision. We just love it out here. We love that we now feel like life has slowed down a bit for us, which is definitely a good thing. The kids are having a ball, going to the pool, the park, playing in the backyard! It's wonderful for them. Although they do make comments all the time about going to Monkey's house and Nani & Papa's house! So, since it's been a while since I've poste
d anything, I thought I would do a brief update on what's been happening (it's not exciting, I promise).

Most importantly, Benjamin had a cardiologist follow-up yesterday and while his echo showed some minor narrowing again, it wasn't enough to show concern and think about action at this time. This is great news! It means that his procedure he had done in San Diego before we left is working...it's buying him some time, which is all we can hope for. He'll be seeing his cardiologist once a month from now on. While I'm glad that he's following Benny closely, I sure hope our insurance comes through soon! These visits are getting expensive! Yesterday, his appt. cost $783! Isn't that crazy!! That's a discounted, private pay rate too! Benny is doing absolutely wonderful. He's getting so big, he's like a little man now. He weighs 12 lbs, 8 oz and is 24" long. So, he's definitely growing. He's actually starting to move into his 3-6 month clothes and out of his 3 month clothes! He's started solid foods and he is qu

ite the eater. He loves his sweet potatoes and 'nanas. But he's not picky, he pretty much eats everything we give him! He's a good sleeper at night too, usually only waking up about once a night, usually early in the morning around 3a or so. Although the past 2 nights he has slept all the way through, so we're hoping this is a sign that it's getting better! He's rolling all over the place, stomach to back and back to stomach. He's very strong. We think he'll be trying to get around within the next couple of months for sure. He's just perfect and we couldn't hope for anything more...God has definitely been watching over our little man!

As for the girls....well, let's just say that at the moment I am typing this, Emily is crying because Abi did something to her. That's a typical day here, except that moment takes place usually 2-3 times an hour. It's getting ridiculous. They want so much to play together but when they do all they do is bother each other. Abi has been a big instigator lately. She likes to antagonize her sister ALL THE TIME!! They keep me busy. But they also have good moments, as you can see by the picture. Sisterly love is great! Abi will be starting Kindergarten in August, hooray! She's so ready as am I! She is very excited about it and asks questions about it all the time, primarily about nap time...she's really tired of nap time :) Emily will enjoy the one-on-one time with me I think. It'll be good for her to spend time away from her sister too! She can become more independent.
Darin loves his job. The pace is a lot slower than he's used to, which is a good and a bad thing, but he's adjusting. He likes the people he works with, they've all been really nice. He's so close to home that he's been able to come home for a lunch a couple times too. What a treat! It's funny though that as soon as the kids start screaming he has to go back to work. I don't get it?! :)
We've been busy around the house trying to get everything situated. We're still nowhere near where we want to be, but hopefully soon. Darin's mom is coming

out in July so our goal is to have it together by then! Last weekend, we built a mantel for the fireplace, it needed something desperately! Darin is quite the handyman! He built it and we both stained it together. It turned out really nice we think. It was Darin's idea to add a bit of Texas flair to the mantel, hence the stars in the corners. It is a project that we are proud of! I've taken to gardening, if you can believe it. I'm trying to turn my brown thumb to a green thumb! So far, I've been successful. My garden is in full bloom. I'm growing carrots, cucumbers, green beans, onions, tomatoes, and lettuce (although the lettuce isn't doing too well). Darin built me my vegetable bed for mother's day! How sweet huh?! I will try to post some pictures of my garden later, if I remember to take the photos!
That's pretty much what's been happening around here! Nothing too bad, just a lot of busy work. I'm going to try and post pictures more frequently of the kids. Keep your fingers crossed! Oh, FYI, I added a couple links on the sidebar for Christus Santa Rosa Children's Hospital, which is where Benny will be having his next surgery, and for the Congenital Heart Institute of Texas. I also added his new cardiologist's name with a link to a page with info on him in case you're interested!
Dear Elisia, great pics, yes, you can really see how Benjamin is growing! Abigail looks older, too! Love, Uncle Mike
ReplyDeleteI am so glad that all is going well for you. A slower pace sure sounds good. May God continue to heal little Benny. Love to you all, Mrs. Wendeln