April 28, 2009

We're finally here!

I just wanted to let everyone know that we are finally here and getting settled in good ol' Texas. It's been a crazy week and a half but things are coming along. Darin started work on Monday and is enjoying it thus far. He's more excited about the fact that he doesn't have to get on the freeway to get to work. On a side note, the roads here are crazy...yield here doesn't mean "yield" it means "stop" apparently. There are people stopping on the freeway at yield signs! It's a bit scary. I'm adjusting better to it than Darin! The kids are all doing well and the girls are excited. They've already been to the pool and the park, and Monkey even bought them a little plastic pool for the backyard for when mommy is feeling lazy! It's been very humid here the past couple of days but we've been warned to get used to it! So we're trying.

Benjamin is doing well. We thought he was finally getting over his congestion..he had a couple of days without it! But of course, he sounds as if he's getting a little sick again! Poor guy just can't catch a break. Tomorrow is his follow up cardiologist appointment. We're going to meet his cardiologist and make sure the results from the procedure are still good. His new cardiologist will be Dr. Rodgers. He was referred to us by Benny's previous cardiologist in San Diego. Apparently he's very popular (which hopefully means he is good) because his next available appointment wasn't until June! So I just had to name drop..."Benjamin Carr"..."oh yes, I have his information here, is tomorrow good for you?" and we got in! It's nice to know people! I will let you know what I find out! I'm still waiting on a referral for a surgeon but I'm going to talk Dr. Rodgers about that tomorrow too.

Okay, off to put my bathroom together and finally take a shower!! Mugginess is yuckiness!

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