his solid foods. He can handle the
Emily was supposed to be just a spectator at the appointment, but I decided to have her get her flu shot since we were already there! She was a champ, and while a few tears flowed, she did great! We celebrated with a happy meal from McDonald's! Abi's is scheduled for tomorrow, after school of course!
It's a good thing we did grab some lunch before going home because when we arrived home, we discoverd while attempting to open our garage door, that our power had gone out...thanks to a fabulous thunderstorm!! Our front and backyard was flooded!! There was a river running through our front yard, and that's not an exageration! It was nice to get some rain though, we desperately needed it! And, both Benny and Emi took great naps!!
I also learned today that Teresa, my sister, was admitted to the hospital and is being induced. So hopefully I will have a new niece within the next 24 hours!! We're all awaiting and anticipating her arrival! I will keep you posted if I hear anything, or receive any pictures!!
Tonight I have a parent orientation meeting at Abi's school, immediately followed by a PTA meeting. Yes, I have become part of the PTA! I figure I should be a responsible parent and participate :)
Overall, today was a good day!
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