Yesterday, we spent quite a bit of time at the doctor's office, which was definitely not in our plans for the day. Abigail accidentally pushed Benjamin off our bed, how it happened I'm not sure. Benjamin was sleeping between two pillows...I think Abi tried to help too much while I wasn't looking! I do know that it was a long drop (at least 2.5 ft) and I heard him fall from our bathroom. Poor little guy. He had a HUGE bump on the back of his head all day, and I thought it was only getting bigger instead of smaller. I felt so bad. So I took him to the doctor just to make sure he didn't hurt his skull or anything, of course they had to do xrays, but everything was okay. Just a battle wound I guess...the joy of having big sisters! At least his bump has gone done today! And Abi felt really bad about it...she had a tear in her eye.
The girls and I are going to take a trip to the park today after we make our special rice krispy treats with the pink "mashmallows" that Nani gave the girls. They are very excited about this...and thanks to Nani's suggestion, we must now use heart-shaped cookie cutters instead of just spreading them into a pan! Thank you Nani!
everytime I read this i feel for Abi and Ben. I know she was just trying to be a good big sister. :) Hope they ar both doing good now. Love ya all