Today we celebrated Abi's 5th birthday! I can't believe she's five already...Darin and I were talking the other day about how grown up she is now. It almost seems that in the past 11 days since Benjamin was born she just transformed into this
BIG GIRL. She's all about what to wear, and makeup, and taking purses with her now. It's unreal! So, for her birthday we thought it would be fun to get her a Caboodles case and fill it with some makeup and stuff. She
As it's been a tight year for us, we opted not to have a party for the girls this year. Instead we had a "Birthday Day"

a couple weeks ago in which we celebrated both girls' birthdays on the same day. It was basically a day of fun...went out to breakfast, visited the park, saw a movie in the real movie theater (Madagascar 2, very cute). So, today we kept it low key. We made special birthday pancakes in th

e morning for breakfast, followed by presents. Then the girls went to the gym with daddy. They love the gym! We had Personal Creation pizzas for lunch, with extra olives! We then went to Monkey's house (that's what the girls call Darin's mom in case you weren't aware) where we partook in cake and presents. Even Emily got presents! And can I just say that now the girls have more cash in their pockets than we do! While Abi hung out at Monkey's house and Emily slept, Darin, Patty and I went to the hospital to see Benny.
I am happy to say that he is doing well. We did have a set back though with his feeding. They switched him to Pedialyte because he wasn't taking to the breastmilk like they had hoped. He wasn't digesting it very well so he'll be on Pedialyte and then they'll try again when they feel he's ready. I am sad to say, however, that I, his own mother, could not go see him because I am now officially sick. I feel fine, but I have the standard runny nose and sore throat. I'm very upset and I'm already going through withdrawls...please pray for a speedy recovery for me. I mi

ss my boy! I did get to hear him crying over the phone tonight though. His nurse held the phone to his face and I heard him crying a bit and got to say hi! It was very nice of her. He sounds a lot stronger vocally than he did yesterday so that's good news! So, though I didn't see him, I know he's doing well, and Darin made sure to take a picture for me. We took him a little hat that is apparently too big for him...he has such a small head :)

Anyways, after Monkey's house, we took the girls to Soup Plantation for dinner, as they love the buffet style because they get to do it themselves. We finished off the night with a movie theater at home. It's one of our most favorite things to do. Space Chimps was the movie...it was a late night. Thank you to all who thought of Abi on her birthday!
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