April 27, 2010

Another Ultrasound update

I had another ultrasound yesterday. I love getting to see Andrew's progress from month to month! He's looking really good...baking evenly! He's doubled in size since last month, weighing in at 1 lb, 15 oz! He's right on track. His heart continues to look great, no signs of narrowing of the aorta, no VSDs, all 4 chambers. It's always a relief to hear (and see) that things are going well. While I was watching yesterday, I remembered what the ultrasound images looked like for Benny's heart when they used the color (to show directional flow of the blood) and it looked so different from Andrew's. To see Andrew's ultrasound have distinct colors in certain areas was a little strange, because for so long all we saw was a mixture of red and blue all over the place with Benny's! We're so thankful that baby Andrew is looking healthy. Just another 14 weeks and we'll finally get to see his little face! I'm going to scan in some of the ultrasound images later so I'll be sure to upload them into the blog (and on facebook too)!

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