Just a little update from today's cardiologist appointment:
Benny's murmur sounds about the same as it did last time, which is good news. It's not getting significantly worse, so he still has some time. Dr. Rogers does want to get some opinions from his colleagues so next Tuesday at their conference he'll be talking about Benny and asking input as far as when the best time to do the surgery is. He'll be asking the surgeons as well, and get their input so that we can maybe get a more definitive time line for when things will be happening. He's going to call me and let me know what is discussed and suggested. I think it's a great thing and I'm looking forward to hearing what the surgeons and other cardiologists have to say.
He has gained weight too! He weighed in at 13 lbs, 12 oz. This is 1lb, 4 oz more than last month! Wahoo! I guess that solid food is sticking! He has a well check tomorrow, more shots (for all 3 kids in fact), so we'll get some more stats tomorrow probably. He is starting to crawl, it's really quite cute. He can get up on all fours and rock back and forth but he just can't figure out what to do with his hands and legs to make himself move so for now he has resorted to throwing himself forward and landing on his hands. We figure within the next couple of weeks he'll be crawling!
I will let you all know how his appt. goes tomorrow!