Well, it finally happened! This morning, at 3:13am, Benjamin Edward Carr was born. He weighed 6 lbs., 12 oz., and was 19 inches long. We had to double check and make sure he was ours because we don't have babies that small! Both girls were 8 lbs., 6 oz.! It is true though that good things come in small packages because Benjamin is just adorable!

We thought we were going to have more time with him at the hospital before they transferred him to Children's Hospital but we were wrong. They took him to Children's at 6:30am, only a few hours after he was born. Thankfully, I got to see him and hold him for about 10 minutes before they took him away. It was time that I wish was longer, but I'm still thankful I got that.
We are so thankful that the delivery went well and that Benjamin didn't have any major complications after delivery. We can only wait and see now as to what will happen with his surgery and what not. We truly are thankful for everyone's thoughts and prayers through all of this. Darin and I are overwhelmed with how much love and support we have received from our family and friends. We thank you all so much and hope that you continue to pray for Benjamin, as he has a long road ahead of him!

P.S. - His feet are really cute too, even though he's missing some toes :) I know some people are probably curious so here's a picture of his feet...when he moves his toes, they're like little crab claws, it's really cute!